Appetite Control Medications And How They Help

The purpose of using appetite control medications in any weight management program is to give the patient some help against cravings and overeating. The medications that are FDA approved and available for use DO NOT cause weight loss directly.

They are all designed to reduce cravings, reduce the body’s hunger response (hormonal and nervous system), and create a feeling of being full quicker during meals (satiety). The medications are very useful in maximizing our success in weight loss and eating habit changes. They are safe to use under a physician’s care.

At Physicians Weight Control and Wellness, we have been using phentermine, phendimetrazine, diethylproprion, and didrex ongoing for years with great success and safety.

In addition, recently there have been other medications approved and available for the treatment of obesity and overweight patients. Our experience allows us to customize our patients’ plans with the medication and dosing that is appropriate for each individual. We follow the guidelines of medication usage as outlined by the Obesity Medicine Association.

We take care of our patients first with an in-depth exam and comprehensive blood testing. This helps our physicians assemble a detailed wellness profile for you. Our testing will reveal potential risk areas so that our team can help you maximize your weight loss journey.

Selecting the most suitable weight loss treatment can be tricky. The best approach is a medically proven plan administered by a board-certified bariatric physician. Their extensive training and certifications mean that our programs are not only safer for you, they are also more effective and longer-lasting than the average commercial weight loss program.

Our doctors have helped many men and women achieve their healthy weight goals. Managing your weight is a marathon, not a series of 100-yard dashes! The mainstay of our practice is a customized diet and exercise program combined with the use of FDA approved medications, all supervised by a certified bariatric physician.

Physician’s Weight Control & Wellness’s programs are different from other weight loss programs in that they are specifically constructed by bariatric specialists to meet each patient’s individual needs based on their body chemistry, lifestyle, and weight loss goals. We believe in making healthy, lifelong changes to your daily eating and exercise routine combined with more than 50 years of proven weight loss experience! At Physician’s Weight Control & Wellness, we are here for you every step of the way.

Contact us today to get started!

Get Started: Call Physician’s Weight Control and Wellness

If you’re feeling ready to make a change to your health and overall lifestyle, give us a call.

Physician’s Weight Control & Wellness’s programs are different from other weight loss programs in that they are specifically constructed by bariatric specialists to meet each patient’s individual needs based on their body chemistry, lifestyle, and weight loss goals.

We believe in making healthy, lifelong changes to your daily eating and exercise routine combined with more than 50 years of proven weight loss experience! At Physician’s Weight Control & Wellness, we are here for you every step of the way.

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