A Closer Look at Saxenda and Wegovy for Effective Weight Loss

Many patients at Physicians Weight Control & Wellness have experienced significant weight loss success with Saxenda and Wegovy as part of a comprehensive weight loss program. These medications have helped them overcome challenges with appetite control, allowing them to make healthier food choices and feel more satisfied with smaller portions. However, it’s essential to note that individual results may vary, and not all patients may experience the same level of success.

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Is Your Blood Sugar Out of Control?

Blood sugar (glucose) control is crucial when you’re living with type 2 diabetes. Dips and spikes can not only make you feel cranky and sluggish, but they can also wreak havoc on your personal health. (No wonder your primary care doctor was on you about your last A1C checkup.) The most serious effects of blood sugar swings are a higher risk for diabetes-related health complications such as stroke, heart disease, and nerve damage (neuropathy).When we make good choices for our health, whether that’s eating well or exercising, we feel better about ourselves. Today we want to share some tips for easy, healthy choices you can make this summer.

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The First Step Toward Weight Loss

Committing to a healthier lifestyle is not easy to arrive at. It’s daunting, we get nervous about all the changes that may come with it, we doubt ourselves, etc. Can we even make it happen? Will it last this time? What’s different from the last time I tried this?

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Can Appetite Control Medications Help You?

The purpose of using appetite control medications in any weight management program is to give the patient some help against cravings and overeating. The medications that are FDA approved and available for use DO NOT cause weight loss directly.

They are all designed to reduce cravings, reduce the body’s hunger response (hormonal and nervous system), and create a feeling of being full quicker during meals (satiety). The medications are very useful in maximizing our success in weight loss and eating habit changes. They are safe to use under a physician’s care.

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Get More Vitamin D

Most of the vitamin D in the American diet, though, comes from foods that are fortified with vitamin D. Almost all dairy milk sold in the U.S. is fortified with vitamin D, according to the ODS. (You can get 117 IU per cup of 1% milk with added vitamin D, for example.) Yogurt, plant-based milks (like soy, almond, or oat milk), cereal, and orange juice are also commonly fortified. For example, Cheerios have 60 IU of vitamin D in each 1.5-cup serving. Adding more of these foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D or fortified with it can help increase your vitamin D intake.

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4 Ways To Get Healthy This Summer

Summertime can bring about some negative feelings as well. Hotter weather means wearing fewer clothes. That means swimsuits and shorts and potentially feeling self-conscious about that. One thing that can help is making better choices about our health.

When we make good choices for our health, whether that’s eating well or exercising, we feel better about ourselves. Today we want to share some tips for easy, healthy choices you can make this summer.

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3 Tips for Finding Balance In Your Life

Finding balance can be difficult, but it’s certainly important. We all know that when we’re feeling over-worked, other important things in our life can fall by the wayside. That could be several things: forgetting to check our child’s homework, not cleaning your bathroom, picking up fast food instead of cooking, and so on. You can probably think of several more examples in your own life.

So how does one go about finding balance and is it even possible?

Today, we’re going to share three tips for finding balance. These tips will hopefully provide ways you can find balance to make your life easier.

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Weight Loss Programs that Work in DFW

Obesity is a chronic, recurring disease that carries a 50-100% chance of premature death if left untreated. The number of overweight and obese people in the USA has increased by more than 75% in the past three decades. Obesity is linked to sleep apnea, diabetes, arthritis pain, heart disease, and lower life expectancy. Without the right clinical care, you could be at serious risk.

You might know you need to lose weight or think about going on a diet all the time, but taking action is difficult. We understand this. Our staff does not judge you and truly wants to see you make positive changes for yourself and your health. If you’ve had enough with just thinking about weight loss, take the first step by calling us for a consultation.

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Pandemic Wellness

It’s difficult to assess our stress levels over the last year. Many of us have gone on autopilot and just done whatever is necessary to keep ourselves and our families safe. We’re all doing our best in our jobs and adjusting to the new normal. Just trying to get through the day-to-day can make it difficult to think about our wellness and check-in with ourselves the way we might with a family member.
They are all designed to reduce cravings, reduce the body’s hunger response (hormonal and nervous system), and create a feeling of being full quicker during meals (satiety). The medications are very useful in maximizing our success in weight loss and eating habit changes. They are safe to use under a physician’s care.

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